The Sisters2Moms Podcast

Join sisters Sari Diskin and Katy Albert as they navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood and parenting together. Lifestyle influencer (Sari) and behavior analyst (Katy), weave together the personal and professional offering warm, honest, and practical conversations about parenting littles and beyond.

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Friday Oct 11, 2024

The More, the Merrier?: The Sibling Episode
In today’s episode, Sari and Katy tackle one of the biggest transitions in parenthood—introducing your child to a sibling. While answering audience questions, they discuss strategies for navigating this shift and the huge adjustment within the family. Katy offers insights on everything from the early days of bringing home another baby to managing constant sibling bickering. Meanwhile, Sari opens up about her anxieties around welcoming a new baby into the family of soon-to-be four.
Topics we cover include:
Our own sibling dynamics and “middle child syndrome”
Preparing your child for the arrival of a new sibling
Handling a toddler’s resistance to a new baby
Balancing attention between a toddler, baby, and growing kids
Why “fair” doesn’t always mean “equal” between siblings
Managing sibling jealousy and rivalry at a young age
Encouraging independence among close-in-age children
Parenting each child as an individual
To keep updated on Katy’s future group coach offerings, sign up here. 
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy (M.Ed, RBA, BCBA, OCT): Anchored Families 
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed.

Friday Sep 13, 2024

In today’s episode, Sari and Katy explore five common anxiety patterns that many parents experience. After receiving dozens of “worries” submitted by Sari’s Instagram audience, we’ve distilled them into five key topics. Together, we break down these concerns and offer practical strategies for managing them.
The topics we cover include:
Anxiety around catastrophic events beyond our control
Navigating the uncertainty of early childhood transitions and the fixation on milestones and schedules
Concerns about how our behaviors and patterns might influence our children’s mental health
Overcoming perfectionism and reliance on safety apps
Helping our children manage their own anxiety
Tune in to hear insightful conversations for navigating these challenges as parents.
Links referenced in the episode: 
In Episode 2 (the parenting “inside out” episode), we discuss intrusive thoughts and how to deal with anxiety when being a new parent. If you have not heard this episode, you can listen here. 
Katy mentions the teachings of Lynn Lyons a few times as she is a leading expert in Anxiety. Her podcast is Fluster Clucks.
Sign up here to keep updated on Katy’s future group coach offerings. 
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy (M.Ed, RBA, BCBA, OCT): Anchored Families 
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

In today’s episode, Katy and Sari dive into the complex topics of disciplining and punishing young children. They explore the principles of gentle parenting, discussing what truly benefits parents and what doesn’t. The hosts tackle often-debated methods (aka “taboo tools”) like timeout, bribing, threatening, and yelling, analyzing when these strategies might work and fall short. They also address questions about picky eating in toddlers, age-appropriate discipline, and using rewards to encourage positive behavior. Packed with practical examples and candid insights, this episode aims to provide valuable guidance for navigating these challenging aspects of parenting. We hope you find it both informative and helpful!
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy (M.Ed, RBA, BCBA, OCT): Anchored Families 
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Katy and Sari are back for episode 3 of the Sisters2Moms podcast to discuss a hot topic with parents: SCREEN TIME. We are living in a world of screens, so how do we find balance with our kids? How can we navigate that when we are addicted to screens ourselves? How can different types of screens impact our kids differently and what boundaries can help? We answer all these questions and more in an honest conversation about parenting in the digital world. 
Helpful links referenced in the episode:
Screen Zen App - helping you limit the use of certain apps and set time limits
Freedom App - set limits on websites to help productivity and focus 
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy (M.Ed, RBA, BCBA, OCT): Anchored Families 
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

Sisters Sari and Katy are back for episode 2 of The Sisters2Moms Podcast! This episode is like a grown-up version of "Inside Out" for moms and dads. We talk through the BIG emotions exasperated in parenthood such as overwhelm, anger, anxiety, and guilt, and what we can learn from them. 
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy (M.Ed, RBA, BCBA, OCT): Anchored Families 
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed.

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Toddler Tantrums 101: Why, When, and How to (Effectively) Navigate Them. This episode is PACKED with tools and strategies for toddlers and tantrums. Sari shares her personal experience with her toddler and Katy helps her work through the most effective ways to handle it. Katy shares her easy-to-remember framework and what most parents do wrong during tantrums. 
Follow our podcast on IG for updates: @sisters2momspod
Follow Sari on IG: @saridiskin
Connect with Katy: Anchored Families
Disclaimer: This podcast should not replace individual and professional mental health support. Please seek out a licensed professional if needed. 

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